Thursday, February 4, 2010

Once Upon a Family

One book I just read is Once Upon a Family, by Margaret Daley, who blogs at Here's the back cover blurb from Once Upon a Family...

He knew all about angry teen boys-he'd been one himself.

As the local high school principal, Peter Stone knew troubled student Sean Williams needed his expert assistance. And as a Christian, Peter knew God was leading him to help. Yet it was the boy's mother who captured Peter's notice.

Laura, a widow caring for her four children and ailing aunt, had no time for romance or religion. Somehow, despite her protests, Laura found herself and her brood frequent visitors to Peter's ranch and the church he attended.
Soon it seemed her family was meant to complete Peter's life.

So are you hooked yet? Just reading that little bit from the back caught me, and I knew that I had to read Once Upon a Family, or I would wonder what happened until I did. And I am so glad that I did read it. It was well worth sneaking the time to read and enjoy it. This is another wonderful book from Margaret Daley that I would recommend to anyone that wanted a good read.

Don't forget that we have a book giveaway with Janice Thompson and Fools Rush In going on! You can enter the giveaway by commenting on the posts meet Janice Thompson and with Janice Thompson and leaving your email address in the comment. You can enter twice, once on each post, and double your chances of winning Fools Rush In. I'll post the winners on February 14, so check back then to see if you won!

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