Monday, February 8, 2010

Hero's Ransom

Here's a suspense book! We were going to do S.W.A.T. :)
Which is 'Suspense With Abby Tuesday.' But we decided to post today instead.

Hero's Ransom is an excellent, suspenseful book written by David and Diane Munson. I could hardly put the book down and towards the end it got suspenseful enough that I was quite literally sitting on the edge of my seat while I read. And just when you think that you have figured out how it's going to end, a new twist is thrown in. It is one of the best suspense/thriller books I've read in a while. A little about the book...(without giving away the ending). :)

Archeologist Amber Worthing was in China in a remote archeology dig where they find a mummy. While she was praying outside her tent one night, she saw China launch their new, secret missile. The next day Dr. Parks, the chief of the archeology dig, finally allowed her to take pictures of the mummy and she was elated. While she was taking pictures of the mummy, Dr. Parks had her arrested for "defacing" the mummy. She was then accused of spying on China. She was transported to a Chinese prison and the next weeks tested her faith and strength in many ways. Throughout the book, CIA Agent Bo Rider has been trying to stop China's killer satellite from destroying America. He teams up with Federal Agents Eva Montanna and Griff Topping to free Amber, stop the satellite, and get his Chinese contact out of China. The race is on and the clock is ticking.

I would recommend this book to both teens and adults. It is an excellent book and it's the fourth book in The Justice Series.

You can purchase Hero's Ransom Here

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