Sunday, February 14, 2010

First Winner!!!

Joanne Sher is the winner of Fools Rush In by Janice Thompson.

Joanne, please send me your mailing address by emailing me at faith4u7(at)gmail(dot)com

So who is enjoying the snow?? Anybody? I know I am, although I'm hoping very hard that it doesn't snow more... otherwise our churchs' adult and youth roller skating party may be canceled. Does anybody love roller skating besides me? I even found a pair of skates, and you can ask my mom, Patty, or Peej, who blogs over at Patterings, whenever the roller skating party comes up, you can always find me practicing on my skates.
If you've gone roller skating before, you know that until you learn how, you often fall and hurt yourself. But what do you do? You get right back up and keep on trying until you can skate without falling, right? And boy, the first few times that I skated, I was so sore! But as I skated more, I got better, and now I only fall once in a while.

Our walk with Christ is just like learning to roller skate. At the beginning, you fall all the time, but as you work at it more, you get better at it, until you don't fall as much. But sometimes you still fall, no matter how good you get. And no matter how good we are in our walk with Christ, we still wind up falling once in a while. But we pick ourselves up, dust the dirt off of us, and keep on going.

So keep on getting up, dusting yourself off, and keep on going!! You can do it!

1 comment:

Joanne Sher said...

I LOVE rollerskating Esther - but haven't done it in a VERY long time! (and that's a GREAT lesson! And I'm SOOO excited to win the book :D Part of me is wanting to tell you to just ask your mom for my address, but I'll send it anyway - just so it's more "business-like" :D

You're doing a GREAT job here!